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Monday, December 20th

It’s Christmas week!!! Kids out of school.. Christmas party season in full effect..

Saw Spidey this weekend, like everyone else did. I will provide my thoughts and try not to drop any spoilers here.

It’s hard to review this film, because it had to do so much. They needed to tie up the Spiderman in high school story, while addressing the multi-verse, but also NOT committing Spidey to the MCU for the future. Just in case Sony and Disney get pissed at each other. And trying to corral all of those commitments into a one movie, is a bit of a mess.

So while there is a climax, it lacks the emotional punch, which I feel has really been the issue with these current Spiderman movies. They always scatter the best scenes throughout the movie and then the climax which the whole movie is supposed to be build towards, never really reaches the heights you desire.

Also another pet peeve of mine, is why does the ultimate battle have to take place at night. C’mon, everything is better with some light.

It’s also 15 minutes too long or maybe more.

Anyway, other than that, it was a great weekend. Ready for Christmas week! Everything, mostly, is wrapped and ready to go. Ox man is getting some beach time right now and I already miss him.

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