Today's Board

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Tuesday, December 7th

Doing some daddy day care today. Ox and I got pancakes at the dinner, then went Christmas shopping, checked in on his Gaa, and Nona. So far, a good day wore the little guy out. Which means I have some time to cram up a board.

This weekend we watched some content? I think.. I realized more and more big massive action scenes just do not do it for me. But when someone crafts an intimate one (NOW that doesn’t mean extreme close-ups of hand to hand combat, I am looking at your Snake Eyes.) I really become that little kid again when I first saw True Lies, and Arnold is on a horse running through DC. Side note: Love how everyone thought it was bonkers crazy that John Wick was riding a horse through Manhattan, when TL did it 15 years ago? 20? 

My point is a really enjoyed the single take chase in Hawkeye. Great banter and fantastic craftsmanship.

Alright, enjoy your Tuesday and I made a commitment to myself to get something up every day this week.

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