Today's Board

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Wednesday, April 13th

Man, slipped up this week. But figure I can finish the week strong. Had time yesterday but had nothing to say.

Today it all came flooding back to me.

First, they released the final trailer for the FINAL season of Stranger Things, and it looks epic. I always forget how much I enjoyed that show. It’s always a little slow to get going, but then once it’s rolling, you hooked. And this trailer is awesome. Maybe it’s because Separate Ways by Journey is one of my all-time favorite songs. But I can’t wait.

Second, I finally remember the only thing decent I watched all weekend. Apollo 10 and a half on Netflix. It was a like a warm blanket on a snowy winter’s day and you have no place to go. I can’t describe the feeling of comfort or nostalgia I felt while watching it. Even though I didn’t grow up in the time, I felt I did, and more than that, for an hour and a half I wanted to.

And just like that, he was gone..

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