Today's Board

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Friday, April 15th

You’re so money, and you don’t even know it.

Random Twitter thread got me thinking about movies, that are cult classics that I have never seen or didn’t like enough to finish. So I am making a list of ones I want to give another shot too. I watched Swingers when I was in my I kinda hate Vince Vaughn phase and think I hated it. So it’s first up.

Alright, what’s going on this weekend?

The third Fantastic Beasts Movie is coming to theaters, and I am not sure anyone is really interested. Yet, I have enjoyed the previous two, even if they were pretty forgettable. So maybe I didn’t like them? Either way, I love a trip to the Wizarding World.

A few interesting things on the Streamers. I will list these in order of my interest.

Outer Range - Amazon Prime - A sci-fi western mystery. Thanos takes human form and runs a Ranch in Montana? Maybe Wyoming, when a mysterious stranger comes to stay. There is a bottomless pit and weird symbols on rocks.

Roar - Apple TV - Anthology series, big budget, famous people. Who knows?

Choose or Die - Asa Butterfield and a horror take on Jumanji? All I saw was a review said, it’s better than it has any right to be.

Anatomy of a Scandal - Another Netflix dramatization of a real life scandal. I think this is also an anthology series.

Also, the NBA playoff start and the weather is supposed to be nice.

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