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Friday, July 23rd

Today was just gonna be a top 10 Ted Lasso quotes followed by mostly a Ted Lasso appreciation post.. But then I checked and saw there was only ONE episode available to watch...

I NEED MORE THAN 30 mins of Ted a week!!! This ain't cool, you could have at least given me 2 to start with. So I will refrain for additional Ted Lasso content today.. But more than anything you just gotta Believe.. and for Ted's sake hope Issac, the center back, lost a few lbs, so they can fight for promotion!

But if you need additional content this weekend we have the Olympics back.. and because they are in Tokyo we are treated to tape delays and live events ALL night.. in my younger days I might have been fired up over late night and earlier morning content.. but not so much now days..

Old is only out in theaters and is another thriller from M. Night. Reviews are mixed and apparently there is no BIG twist.. (sure reviewer X I am gonna believe that..) 

Netflix has something called Blood Red Sky, we finally decided it's safe again to have someone hijack a plane in movies again, then they are not foiled by an aging every man cop, but a over protective vampire mom!!!!

Other highlights included, Turner and Hooch reboot.. Freaky the horror Freaky Friday on HBO (solid..) .. and that seems like it.. Oh right Snake Eyes a GI Joe origins story, which from the trailers and the one review I read kinda sucks. It suffers from something that bother me about F9 as well... The close up vomit inducing shaky cam martial arts fights. This apparently is the new style and it sucks. I can never really tell what is going on, and it never seems to work, but maybe that's just me.

Alright On to the weekend!!! 

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