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Friday, November 5th

It's the freakin' weekend... And am about to demo the kitchen... No not the whole thing, just a few cabinets. Maybe put some backsplash.. who knows, just don't know how much time I will have!!

But for the time I am NOT busy with that.. loads to stream and a NEW massive Marvel movie opening as well.

The Eternals is now in theaters, is a bunch of first for Marvel, and it sounds like it might break slightly from the typical Marvel fair, which I am all for, they have become like your favorite comfort food, you know you what your getting, it's gonna be good and filling, but it's not gonna WOW you like the first time.

Streaming --

Netflix has a bunch of new content.. but I am most excited for The Harder they Fall, a black western with a LOADED cast and some pretty cool looking stylized action.

Also Since it's the first of the month, all the streamers usually have LOADS of new old movies added to their collections because rights change hands or become available. So always good to dive into the your favorite genre and see if they added something you haven't seen or loved for a re-watch.

Tom Hanks and his dog in the Post apocalyptic wilderness is on Apple Plus.

A side question to end this.. when did all of the streamers decide that they HAD to have a LOAD BONG or sound effect when you start up their service.. I feel like Netflix was the first but now they all have it. Rough when you have the wife asleep in bed and you switch platforms and are greeted with a MASSIVE DuhDONA.

Anyway enjoy the weekend! And enjoy the cold weather. Or don't and be a crabby pappy.

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