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Monday, March 15th

Need more projects, second weekend in a row, were I just relaxed with the family. Watched some movies on Saturday and then enjoyed the weather on Sunday.

What did I watch... Oh right, they went full Marvel for the WandaVision finale. Mostly superhero action, and honestly it was a little disappointing. There wasn't the big epic cameo that some had hyped and I enjoyed how they actually defeated the baddies, could have skipped all the explosions.. but I guess some of it was cool.

For movies...

Wolfwalkers, was really similar to Paddington movies, they are really good movies, and you really can't say anything negative about them, because every facet is just solid.. But they are just not really unforgettable or all that memorable.

Yes Day, just the kinda silly fun that you really need on a Saturday morning. Made me happy.

The Boss Level - A pretty good fun and needed my action fix. Plus I am also a sucker for time loop movies.. Which brought out an interest question, what where time loop movies called before Groundhog's Day.. And was Groundhog's Day the first time loop movie???

Tried to go to the Farmers Market on Sunday.. it was closed..

And Atleti drew and dropped points again.. just a matter of time before they choke away this lead.. I have become so cynically and just assume any time I love has ZERO chance of winning anything.

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