Today's Board

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Monday, March 1st

And we're back -- Not really a we are.. just me.

What didn't I watch this weekend... Ox man got some time with the g-ps so we caught up on shows and content.. Ready for the Wanda finale.. But more I am excited to re-watch it in one sitting as REALLY long movie.. think this will be REALLY good.

Checked out in no particular order - Tom & Jerry, Ginny & Gloria? that doesn't sound right.. Netflix Dramedy.. wanna be Gilmore Girls crossed with PG-13 version of Euphoria, umm and some other forgettable shows.

Atleti FINALLY got back to winning ways.. So that feels good. Next weekend is the big one.. Madrid Derby..

Speaking of soccer, back on the pitch tonight for Men's league game and pretty excited about ..

Alright enjoy your day.. or what's left of it..

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