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Monday, March 29th

Ox man is gone... he's taking a Spring Break with the relatives.. and I kinda miss the goober..

Oh well, did mean I got to watch some content this weekend.

The Irregulars is fun and forgettable.

It might have been me, but the second episode of Winter Solider kinda showed the limits of action on TV show. Or maybe they just didn't put the extra money into REALLY polishing this CGI and action shots. Don't get me wrong the Berlin chase scene was cool, but there were quite a few moments in the action where it just looked kinda rough or clearly effects shots. They happened frequently and took me out of the action. Overall I am still into the show, because they spent some time this episode playing up the buddy cop angle which I am ALL for.

Started Justice League, and currently through part 2, thought that was a good way to break it up. Part of me wanted to watch the original cur so I could see what had changed, but now I am glad I didn't so that this is kinda like a new movie to me. So it has been an enjoyable watch.

Alrighty, enjoy the week! 

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