Today's Board

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Thursday, April 14th

It was a tough day yesterday, Atleti eliminated from the Champions League. After the embarrassment in the first leg, fought and pushed for the equalizer valiantly but it was not to be. Oh, well.. Hope to qualify next year.

Done with that, how about a thoughtful Thursday..

In a few years, it’s gonna be commonplace to see grandparents with tattoos.

We forget our dreams so that we don’t confuse them with actual memories later on in life.

Medicine companies do not know what Cherry tastes like, or if we even like it.

Water has a taste. How else do we know it’s water?

We always remember our embarrassments, but never other’s, shows that they won’t remember yours either.

No one hears a car alarm today and actually things a car is being broken into these days.

Enjoy your Thursday, Ox and I have a nice little day.. Rooms to Go, Home Depot, maybe Bed Bath and Beyond, I just don’t know if we will have enough time.

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