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Thursday, April 8th

Thursdays.. usually were I angrily grumble on like a cantankerous old man about something trivial in the world of sports. But I actually do not have that much to be upset about. I mean my Atleti season is crumbling, still don't really have a football team again, and basketball is a fun distraction.. but I am not totally invested in a team or player.. I am trying with my local team, but just can't get there.

Oh here are the answers from yesterday..

Mind Palace was used in Sherlock the British TV show.. and its a concept that has been around since ancient greece.

Paul Verhoeven? something like that, also did the ridiculous Showgirls. And his claim to fan was Total Recall..

Non-Fungible Token - and good old Tompa Brady is starting his own marketplace.

I think there is a guy named Mitchell..

The Nevers.. More about that tomorrow.

Anyway enjoy your Thursday..

Trivia Answers: