Today's Board

What's this now?

Check'em all

Thursday, March 4th

I did it! Well one day done, 29 more to go.. The prompt was,

Railroad: Write about a train and its cargo or passengers.

Re reading it this morning and I definitely forgot a lot of words, and seemed to mender through a stream of thought, shifted perspectives a few times as well, and probably broke a bunch of other rules of writing.

So my question is, should I just spend the 30 minutes or so with the prompt on a daily basis and that be it. Or maybe the next day spend some time doing some basic editing. Or does that miss the point of the flash fiction / writing exercise. End the end I am just going to send everyone to my friend who said I was a bad writer.. so you know he has proof that I in fact am.

Any way.. I am now intrigued by two new things today..

First: Check out this article on Verge, about selling the originals of digital work. I have SOOO many questions. First being clearly how do I sell my own, but mostly I just am curious about the mechanics of it, and how they are verified to be the EXACT original of something and how that can not be faked. I mean there are a ton of digital copies of something floating around the internet.

Second: NBA Top Shots - Digital cards.. some genius saw how much people were putting into video game card packs and said screw it, lets drop all the hard work of making the actual game and just give people the card. They look cool.. And this Sunday I am certainly going to try and get a pack! But the value changes don't make a ton of sense to me, and there is no order to the marketplace costs.

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