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Thursday, September 22nd

So yesterday was a one liner.. today is A REAL Quick Top 5.

Out of all the Disney Plus Marquee shows, IE - Marvel and Star Wars.. here is my TOP 5 so far...

Quick list if you need it,

Marvel shows: WandaVision, Falcon and Winter Soldier, Loki, What if.., Hawkeye, Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, and She-Hulk

Star Wars: The Mandalorian, Book of Fett, Obi Wan, and Andor

Top 5 in Order..

5 - She-Hulk - I love sitcoms, and this has been a blast.

4 - WandaVision - See above, although when they left the sitcom homages, I lost interest

3 - Andor - Only 3 episodes and I am hooked, basically the reason I wanted to do this list. I love the exploration of a different side of the amazing Star Wars Universe.

2 - Loki - It was too much fun and seems to get better.

1 - The Mandalorian - Yea, it was always going to be tough to top Baby Yoda. Or Grogu

Honorable Mention: Hawkeye, great Christmas time setting, and some quality action scenes, and great banter.

Worst? Probably a tie between Falcon and Winter Soldier and Book of Fett. Although I never finished Moon Knight, but that doesn’t make it the worst.

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