Today's Board

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Tuesday, October 6th

I know I promised something new for Thoughtful Tuesday, but yesterday I honestly thought I had something. Which is why you should ALWAYS write good thing down.

And see now, I started this at 7:45 am and now it's 11:30 and I am nowhere.. Alright have to go to the well and do some would you rather's.

Would you rather ....

Be able to control fire, but always be sweating, or be able to control water, but always be cold.

Be balding and fit or overweight with a full head of hair (this one hits a little too close to home.. but seeing as I am neither fit nor overweight.. ) or for the ladies, would you rather have full eyebrows and slightly overweight or no eyebrows and be a swimsuit model.

Have a car that can go underwater or a flying carpet (that was completely safe.. no spillisies off the edge..)

Spend the next ten years of your life in China, Russia, or South Korea?

Be a curling or bowling champion??

Have unlimited tacos or sushi for the rest of your life.. any kind of each, and not for every meal but only when you wanted it, but you can't have the other one EVER..

Those are fun! Enjoy your Tuesday! 

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