Today's Board

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Tuesday, September 21st

Times change.. you get excited by SOOOO many little things now.

Like it used to be the weekend and having drinks with friends.. now it's picking the Ox man up from school. And dude is trying to bust out, and gives me the big scream and hug.. Makes your day.

So on that note.. lets get some thoughtful tuesday-isms out there.. (Making this up as I go.. ) 

If we say Sweet Jesus, does that also imply there is a spicy jesus, sour jesus, bitter or salty?

You think if they could, cannonballs yell Humans!!! before the hit the ground?

Is there not another word for Thesaurus? 

Our ears are smoke detector detectors.

And on a side note, is their an on-going feud between Boomers and Millennial... Which I am apparently a Millennial... or a geriatric Millennial.. I will just prefer to be one of the forgotten Gen Xers.

Alright enjoy your day!! Have a good one! 

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