Today's Board

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Tuesday, September 29th

I am quitting Fantasy Football. I think it is more my fault. I usually am so much more invested in the season and leading up to the initial draft, that my lack of preparation turned me into a horrible player. My teams suck. I feel like I am at the low point of the Al Pacino Inches speech about losing everything... and I am not gonna come back.

Alright enough of my grumbling or whining. And NO one likes to hear about someone else fantasy sports. So I do apologize.

Is is gonna rain? Cause that can determine how thoughtful I should be for this Tuesday. Nothing like deep thoughts to ponder on a rainy day, as you sip your hot tea all snuggled up in a nice warm cardigan.

How terrifying would fire be if it didn't give off all that light??

I think the worst part about being a kid, is not having adults take you seriously even if you actually knew what you were talking about. But how would you know that you actually knew what you were talking about enough to be upset about them not taking you seriously? 

Your brain remembers that your forgot something, but not what you forgot.

Memories can either make a great song, or ruin it for you.

If Magic was real, would it be it's own branch of science or it's own subject that crossed disciplines.

Enjoy your Tuesday! 

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