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Wednesday, March 24th

Shot day.. number one.. a bit nervous but the wife already had hers and she is still alive.

Today is Wednesday, so let's do some trivia.

On a side note big news yesterday with regards to Disney and the summer movie season which is traditionally my favorite time of the year.

I think the Raya Premier Release must have been pretty successful, because they decided to move the Black Widow, a MARVEL movie to same day Disney Plus Premier Access. That and Cruella. Plus now it seems like all Pixar movies are going straight to Disney plus.. which is great.. But I hope it doesn't lessen the name, or the brand, cause as we know they are FANTASTIC..

Also to note there was some additional movement with Free Guy! again it was pushed back and this seems like the perfect vehicle for Ryan Reynolds and I can't wait to see it.

Alright I will do trivia tomorrow! Enjoy your day! 

Trivia Answers: